
It's time to update our bus network and we need your help. We're working to unlock more destinations and make bus travel easier around Taranaki!

The current bus network needs a refresh – it's been the same for a while now and we've gathered a lot of feedback about your broad preferences through the 2023 Road Ahead, Better Travel Choices and Regional Land Transport Plan consultations

Common themes from community feedback included:

  • More frequent services
  • Services on weekends
  • Services on public holidays
  • Bus services that better meet the needs of commuters

Now we need to know the details… Which routes need to be more frequent? How often do you want the buses to run on those services? Which routes should run on the weekends? Are Saturday and Sunday services needed? When should bus services start and finish? What days and what routes should start earlier or finish later? What new or adjusted routes are needed?

Tell us what you think.

Have your say

There will be two phases to the bus network refresh consultation. Phase two Where to next? is now open until 11 June 2024.

We’re asking your feedback on two options for our refreshed bus network.