This consultation is now closed for submissions.
New Zealand’s indigenous biodiversity continues to decline. Threats such as climate change, habitat clearance, pests and pollution are pushing many ecosystems to the point of collapse.
Protecting indigenous biodiversity is a critical issue. We want to hear from you on what role we should take in supporting the protection and enhancement of biodiversity in Taranaki.
What are the issues?
Regional councils have a range of longer-term requirements they must deliver under the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPS-IB). The NPS-IB also requires district councils to identify, map and protect significant natural areas by 4 August 2028.
The Government has stated they will review the NPS-IB and direct councils to not advance SNA work in particular. Accordingly, we are not proposing to provide any substantial assistance to the district councils to do this. However, there is still plenty of biodiversity work to be done regardless of the status of the NPS-IB.
We think we could still usefully play a stronger role in coordinating biodiversity action in Taranaki, for example through the review of the region-wide biodiversity strategy.
What are the options?
OPTION 1: Status quo |
OPTION 2: Regional co-ordination |
Description | Maintain existing services, but we do not provide significant additional biodiversity support. | We take a stronger role coordinating biodiversity work across Taranaki by undertaking work such as the review of the Taranaki Biodiversity Strategy. |
Impact on costs | No additional cost | In the first three years, the total cost to implement this option will be $440k. Year 1: $0, Year 2: $220k, Year 3: $220k There will be ongoing costs at a similar level of the rest of the life of the LTP. |
Impact on debt | No impact on debt. | No impact on debt. |
Impact on rates | No impact on rates. | This issue would be funded by general rates. All expenditure would be funded by increases in general rates. |
Impact on service level | Existing services maintained at current levels. | Existing services maintained at current levels and potential improved outcomes through enhances regional co-ordination services. |