This consultation is now closed for submissions.

There are significant opportunities for better coordination across the region in delivering resource management services.

Initial planning to implement the now repealed Spatial Planning Act 2023 (SPA) and Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 (NBEA) highlighted ways we and the three district councils can better work together to align planning outcomes and involve tangata whenua and communities in decision-making.

What are the issues?

We think spatial planning is a good idea. A regional spatial plan would give Taranaki a consistent and coherent plan for future development and environmental protection.

It could map out growth areas, infrastructure corridors, environmentally significant areas to protect and areas at risk from natural hazards.

It could also provide a powerful tool for supporting climate change action.

A spatial plan can identify the areas most suitable for renewable electricity generation or sequestration activities. It can also indicate where future infrastructure will be needed to combat worsening flood risk and sea level rise.

We are proposing to progress a spatial plan gradually. The first three years will be focused on getting the process right and information collection. Depending on how the new Government advances its resource management agenda over the next three years, we can then easily pivot our approach if needed.

We want your views on the opportunities presented by spatial planning, if we should proceed, and if so, what the key matters are that we should focus on.

What are the options?

Status Quo
Regional Spatial Plan
Description No spatial plan for the region is developed, with effort focused only on traditional plans and policy statements under the Resource Management Act. A regional spatial plan is developed to guide development across all of Taranaki and drive better alignment amongst the four councils.
Impact on costs This option would not incur additional costs. In the first three years, this option will cost us $540,000 to implement.
Year 1: $90k, Year 2: $200k, Year 3: $250k
Impact on debt No impact on debt. No impact on debt.
Impact on rates No impact on rates. This issue would be funded by general rates. All expenditure would be funded by increases in general rates.
Impact on service level No impact on service levels. Increase in the service level of the resource management group.